Social Projects

We aim to be a company that always behaves in a socially responsible manner. To fulfill this commitment, we allocate an annual budget for conducting Corporate Social Investment (CSI) activities in the form of sponsorships and donations. We are pleased to share an overview of some of the projects we have completed.

Staatsolie Invests in High-Care Delivery Room at St. Vincentius Hospital

Staatsolie Invests in High-Care Delivery Room at St. Vincentius Hospital

Staatsolie supports the Adopt A Room project at St. Vincentius Hospital by contributing to the renovation of a brand-new high-care delivery room. This space provides mothers in need of extra care with a safe and comfortable environment for childbirth. 

Diakonessenhuis receives crucial equipment for pediatric and cancer care

Diakonessenhuis receives crucial equipment for pediatric and cancer care

Staatsolie Maatschappij Suriname N.V., through the Staatsolie Foundation for Community Development, has made a significant contribution to improve healthcare in Suriname.

Staatsolie donates modern laser equipment to AZP to prevent blindness

Staatsolie donates modern laser equipment to AZP to prevent blindness

Staatsolie donates advanced laser devices to the AZP for the treatment of glaucoma and diabetes, two major causes of blindness in Suriname.

Staatsolie invests $150,000 from SEOGS proceeds in the renovation of 3 schools

Staatsolie invests $150,000 from SEOGS proceeds in the renovation of 3 schools

Staatsolie has allocated $150,000 for the renovation of three schools in Commewijne and Marowijne to contribute to an improved learning environment and high-quality education for the students.