Request Expression of Interest Replacement 50T overhead crane control

Staatsolie Maatschappij Suriname N.V. is soliciting interest from suppliers who have the skills, competencies, and experience to carry out the works listed. This is an Expression of Interest and not an Invitation to Bid. Interested suppliers must provide evidence that they are qualified to perform the indicated services, such as similar assignments, experience in similar projects, availability of appropriate skills and expertise. Suppliers who meet these general requirements and competencies interested in participating in the tendering process are invited to express their interest. Evaluation of the submitted Expressions of Interest will result in a shortlist of potential bidders who will receive a Request for Proposal.


Service description

There are two 50-ton overhead cranes installed at the SPCS Hydro power plant located at Afobaka, Suriname. The east overhead crane is mainly used during major maintenance activities such as preventive maintenance and overhaul of a hydro unit while the west overhead crane is regularly used for unloading/relocating of materials and maintenance activities on the hydro units including overhauls. During an overhaul of a hydro unit both overhead cranes are utilized to lift the turbine shaft and the generator rotor which are considered as critical lifts. The overhead cranes were installed in the year 1963 and the electrical control consists of components which are obsolete.

SPCS Hydro is soliciting interest from service providers who can provide design and engineering services, material and equipment, construction supervision to fully replace the obsolete crane control of both cranes. 


Perform an assessment of the electrical equipment and controls in order to replace all obsolete electrical equipment and controls. The installation shall be performed by a local contractor under the supervision of the service provider.

High Level Requirements

  • Provide proposal for the replacement of the obsolete electrical equipment and controls of both overhead cranes.
  • Provide scope of work for the local construction contractor.
  • Provide supervision during installation by a local contractor.
  • Provide critical spare parts list.
  • Provide Operation and Maintenance training.

Submit Letter

Suppliers who meet the general requirements and competencies interested in participating in the tendering process are invited to express their interest. Service providers can upload their Expression of Interest together with their company profile and company registration certificate in the form here below. The Expression of Interest must be submitted no later than Thursday 17 August 2023, 23.59 hrs. Suriname time.