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b'STAATSOLIE MAATSCHAPPIJ SURINAME N.V.NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2018 (Continued)Accruedandotherliabilitiesconsistedofthefollowing:(X US$ 1,000) 2018 2017Current account Government of Suriname - 63,087AllowancespayabletoManagementand 9,555 5,959PersonnelInterest payable loans 7,553 9,299DownPayments-Customers 3,266 3,458Current account Surgold3,239 3,659Payroll taxes2,737 80Sales taxes and other duties 1,263 1,472Current account Pension fund 756543 Accrued expenses740 179Deposits461 -Other 7,600 5,888 37,170 93,624 In2017,theGrouprepaidtheamountsowedtotheGovernmentofSurinameofUS$63,087(Seenote4.4)116 STAATSOLIE 2018 ANNUAL REPORT'